How fabulous it is when Heather comes to town for an outrageous long weekend of feasting, talking, laughing and enjoying ourselves. 
Friday found us at Queens Rooftop bar with the best views of Rangitoto and the harbour. We then went home for more eating and drinking in the Rowan. Geena couldn’t join us so we had to FaceTime her instead. We broached the special vodka and drank to absent friends. Cheers!
Saturday was a little overcast so we had to go to QT Rooftop Bar for sparkling wine and a delicious lunch. Rain meant a cab to The Park Hyatt for tea and dessert, but it was sunny afterwards for our walk around the viaduct. 
On Sunday we headed for Britomart where we wandered around and also visited Tiffany’s (and declined Champagne!) before heading for Ponsonby. Much walking and shopping made us hungry so we had lunch at KOL with a single glass of AtaRangi and had a great time there with fantastic food. That gave us enough energy to visit Milly’s for more shopping. Back home again we had a wonderful chicken dinner and special bubbles at Shelley & Greg’s. After all that, back at the Rowan we still managed to stay up for hours talking with even more wine.
Monday morning found us subdued but undaunted and Heather was all organised when the shuttle came to pick her up. 
Hasta la vista Heather!